November 23, 2008

Eight ball, Nine ball

Semester One was full of pool sessions :), card games,
and confused guy(s)-who-is-still-confused-with-his-gender
Anyways, last Monday, we immediately went to a billiard center and answer our 'must-play-pool-calling' right after
we handed in our Public Relations assignment.
Yes, all eight of us were pool addicts :]
We wanted to distress before we started on the other assignment which needed to be handed in on Friday.

Notice the guy at the back; he's checking out that chick's ass
woooo :D

No. We do not do this*points above* at pool.

This is how we distress after handing in one assignment.
Wait till I tell you how we enjoyed when it was the last day of the semester.


  1. i'm imagining at the last day of sem... more pool action, longer duration and better shots?

  2. HEY!!!

    Ooi: Come to Subang. I introduce them to you :)

    Yau: HAHA. You were right! :D

  3. coming! better prepare red carpet! hahaha..prob mon la. hari raya ma! u think ktm gonna be packed?
